Two Policemen killed by Effium Youth, others injured. Five Kidnapped Engineers feared Killed

The Ndigbo Unity Forum (NUF), has condemned in strong terms the indifferent disposition of Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi State over the killing of two Policemen and injuring of five others who were on special national security assignment in Effium, Ebonyi State.

Five Engineers working at Ridge Road project at Effium, Ezza in Ebonyi State were on November 3, 2021 abducted and suspected to have been murdered.

Following the incident, the Ebonyi State Commissioner of Police drafted his men led by Bruno Chukwu, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and the Officer in charge of Anti-Kidnapping in Ebonyi State Police Command to unravel the disappearance of the road engineers.

Other Police officers from other departments in the State Command alongside some digital investigators, all numbering about 30 were in the team to arrest the kidnappers of the engineers.

But on November 28, 2021, the team drafted on the operation were ambushed by Ezza Worriers said to be numbering about 60 and in ensuing gun battle, one Policeman was killed and another captured alive.

DSP Chukwu, a tracker, a dolmar machine operator and two others were seriously injured in the gun duel.
Unfortunately, since this unfortunate attack said NUF, neither the Governor nor any of his cabinet members has visited these injured personnel to sympathise with them.
In a statement signed by the Publicity Secretary of NUF, Chief Unah Zachkius Unah, they condemned this act of insensitivity displayed by Governor Umahi, describing the action as “condemnable, unfortunate and sad”.

The group therefore called on the Governor to immediately visit these injured personnel at the hospital and pay their hospital bills. They highlighted that such act would boost the victims’ morale.

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